Jozef Marenčák
Introduction: Carcinoma of the scrotum is a rare clinical entity, its epidemiology has changed in recent years.
Objective: Retrospective analysis of men with cancer of the scrotum and warning about the possibility of occurrence of
this infrequent disease in routine clinical practice.
Materials and methods: 8 men (mean age 59.9 years, range 45 – 67 years, with histologically proven carcinoma of the
scrotal skin) were examined and treated from 1 Jan 1985 to 31 Dec 2015. The diagnosis was determined especially based
on observation, palpation and histological examination of primary scrotal lesions and/or enlarged inguinal lymph
nodes. The stage of the disease was determined based on the TNM classification of all three men with squamous cell
cancer. Excision of the primary lesions dominated in the treatment of scrotal tumours. The average patients follow-up
amounted 41.5 (range 3 – 76) months.
Results: Time to determining the correct diagnosis was 15.5 (range 4 – 36) months. Some of the epidemiological links
were shown in 5 of 8 (62.5%) of patients. 6 of 8 (75%) affected males were long-time smokers (more than 30 cigarettes
per day, for at least 20 years). 5 of the 8 (62.5%) males have complete remission of the disease after treatment; one patient
with cutaneous apocrine carcinoma had a local recurrence (twice), one afflicted with squamous cell cancer is not
in a good general condition, and one man with metastatic cancer died.
Conclusions: Cooperation between doctors of several specialties is necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of scrotal
cancer. An earlier determination of correct diagnosis also means a better prognosis for the patient. Further experience
with a larger number of patients is required.