Katarína Bobocká, Dagmar Eisnerová, Anna Lehotská, Peter Ponťuch
Arterial hypotension is the most common acute complication during the hemodialysis treatment. It represents the main manifestation of hemodynamic instability; it may induce cardiac arrhythmias and contribute to the increased mortality and morbidity of hemodialysed patients and also to the lower efficiency of hemodialysis. It is called episodic hypotension and it can become manifested anytime during the hemodialysis session, mainly at the end. Hypotension is mostly characterized by the decrease in systolic blood pressure ≥ 20 mmHg or mean arterial pressure ≥ 10 mmHg and/or the presence of specific symptoms with further need of treatment intervention. There are many causes known to reduce hemodynamic compensation. There are several measurements which can be used to prevent and stop its negative impact on survival of patients.
Keywords: arterial hypotension, hemodialysis, hemodynamic instability