Ján Fedačko, Rafael Rybár, Richard Raši, Petra Fedačková, Martin Mráz, Branislav Bohuš, Viola Vargová a Daniel Pella
Over the past several years interest has heightened considerably among medical practioners, cardiologist assocations and the lay public regarding the overmedialized causes of the sudden deaths in the trained athletes as well as the clinical significance of cardiac symptoms as syncope and arrythmias. Catastrophic events in athletes are always unexpected, and although relatively uncommon, often achieve high visibility and convey a particularly devastating impact on the community. The most common causes of death in the young athletes are hypertrofic cardiomyopathy (need to be distinctioned from „athlete’s heart“), congenital coronary arteries anomalies and commotio cordis. Older athletes can also harbor occult cardiac disease, but the most common cause of death is atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Focused on this the guidelines for prevention, managment and rehabilitation were established, because the overall athlete population is in low risk dying for sudden cardiac death, but the risk exists.