Viliam Bada
Few medical disciplines have overcome so many contradictory opinions as relation of food and health. In 1948 the Framingham heart study indicated alcohol and coffee as unhealthy. Gradually this prospective epidemiological study confirmed further risk factors: smoking, high blood pressure, higher level of cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, lack of physical activity and obesity. After 25 years this study confirmed favorable effect of moderate alcohol drinking. After 60 years the study revealed that caffeinated coffee drinking can significantly lower mortality of coronary artery disease and all adverse effects assigned to coffee drinking are actually caused by active or passive smoking. It took long time till it was confirmed that systematic substitution of animal fat by plant fat is detrimental to health. Vitamin D3 found exclusively in animal food and synthesized after exposure to UV radiation is significantly deficient in large population. Vitamin D3 deficit can cause not only pandemy of osteoporosis even in children, but it is also an independent cardiovascular risk factor. At the end of the 20th century the etiopathogenesis of Smith-Lemli-Opitz sy (SLOS) was specified characterized by craniofacial abnormalities, remarkably high level of precursors of cholesterol and its low biosynthesis resulting in low plasmatic concentration of cholesterol. SLOS confirms that plasmatic concentration of cholesterol significantly influences its biosynthesis and not its intake by food. Change of egg yolk to health supporting means is the result of it.