Juraj Podracký
The author underlines great benefits of transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) that has recently become the part of diagnostic and therapeutic decision making algorithms in some severe heart diseases but he mostly concentrates on limitations and pitfalls related to this examination. Generally TEE provides better spatial, time and contrast resolution and better quality of imaging in most patients and has less limitation than transthoracal examination. At the same time, there are more severe pitfalls related to this examination. Artifacts (any structures in ultrasound image not having any corresponding anatomical structure) and “pitfalls” (normal structures that are frequently wrong interpreted as pathological and pathological structures evaluated as normal or artifacts) can cause severe false diagnosis. The author gives details of clinically most important pitfalls of transoesophageal examination and states that TEE examination needs appropriate skill and experience to avoid serious consequences of potentially false interpretations of examination and diagnosis.