Pavel Jansa, David Ambrož, Jan Kuchař, Regina Votavová, Michael Aschermann, Aleš Linhart
Development of right heart catheterization dates back to 1929. It is a method that allows direct measurement of pressures
in the central circulation, pulmonary flow measurement and calculation of pulmonary vascular resistance. Catheterization
has been recently replaced in a number of indications by non-invasive methods, especially by echocardiography.
However, right heart catheterization plays an indispensable role in patients with chronic pulmonary hypertension,
especially pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Its importance lies
in the definitive diagnosis and differentiation of precapillary and postcapillary forms of pulmonary hypertension, in the
quantification of pulmonary hypertension and in pulmonary flow determination, in acute vasoreactivity testing, when
indicating specific treatment and in monitoring its effect.