Milan Luknár, Peter Lesný, Veronika Šimovičová, Marcela Danková, Eva Goncalvesová
Implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) has become a part of clinical management of patients with advanced
heart failure (HF). Selection of appropriate candidates and careful preoperative management are essential conditions
for long-term success of the LVAD programme. They are aimed at prevention of perioperative and late complications, and
at ensuring adequate patient cooperation. LVAD implantation is considered in patients with advanced HF (especially INTERMACS
level 1-4) with exploited conservative treatment options. LVADs are implanted either as a bridge to other treatment
decisions (e. g. heart transplant) or as destination treatment. An essential assumption is the expectation of longer
survival in a good functional status. Preparation of patients for LVAD implant is focused on the identification and correction
of perioperative morbidity and mortality risk factors. A variety of tests and measures includes evaluation of right
ventricular function, laboratory examinations, evaluation of psychosocial status, and other aspects.