Veronika Šimovičová, Eva Goncalvesová
Heart transplantation (HTx) is a treatment method for selected patients with advanced chronic heart failure that significantly
reduces the quality of life in the absence of contraindications to this therapeutic method. Potential HTx candidates
with acute or acutely decompensated heart failure, who are hemodynamically unstable, require continuous inotropic
and/or vasopressor support. Implantation of mechanical circulatory support may also be considered.
We describe a case of a 44-year-old patient with chronic heart failure due to familiar dilated cardiomyopathy. The patient
was haemodynamically unstable despite complex drug therapy. Discontinuation of inotropic support and vasopressors
was not viable. Due to the severe systolic dysfunction of both ventricles, implantation of a biventricular assist
device bridging to HTx strategy was indicated.