Július Palaj, Štefan Durdík, Vítěslav Marek, Martin Sabol, Daniel Dyttert
Despite the decline in the incidence of gastric cancer (excluding cardiac carcinomas), in Europe mortality of this disease is still high. Significant differences remain also in survival of patients treated in Japan and in Europe. One of the main reasons is the global screening, which is undergone by majority of population in Japan, and on the other hand, a high incidence of advanced stages in Europe. Due to the decrease in incidence of the disease in western countries, screening of the disease seems to be unprofitable, therefore personalization and individualization of patients with advanced gastric cancer remains the only way how to improve long-term survival. Surgical resection with lymphadenectomy modified by the stage of the disease remains the only curative treatment. However, surgical treatment of advanced stages of cancer is often unsuccessful therefore its combination with multimodal therapy is necessary due to high risk for recurrence. Personalization and individualization of stomach cancer treatment and “tailor-made treatment” for each patient seems to be the only solution how to improve long-term survival in this disease.