Mária Voleková, Miroslav Palko, Viera Kissová, Júlia Popálená, Michaela Štugelová
Nutritional teams in 5 hospitals evaluated nutritional status of patients on admission to hospital and assessed the level of risk that patients with various degrees of severity could suffer from malnutrition. They evaluated 6610 patients, of whom malnutrition was identified in 16.51 % (in the range from 11.63 % to 21.47 %). They analysed the level of risk resulting from the severity of malnutrition and the disease itself. 82 patients were classified as high risk, 509 as intermediate risk and 500 as low risk patients. They analysed what sort of nutrition intervention was ordered in high-risk and intermediate-risk patients (total number of 591 patients). Only 274 of them received enteral or parenteral nutrition support. Conclusion: The authors consider the NRS (Nutrition Risk Screening) to be a handy tool for rapid identification of patients in need of nutritional support. They suggest establishing NRS as a standard examination method of all admitted patients.