Martin Sabol, Juraj Kaušitz, Miguel Rodriguez Arciniegas, Róbert Donát, Štefan Durdík
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common malignancy worldwide causing approximately 1 million
deaths annually. Cholangiocellular carcinoma, primary tumour of the bile ducts accounting for 10-15% of hepatobiliary
neoplasms, represents about 2% malignancies globally. Due to better understanding of tumour biology of the liver and
technological progress it was possible to identify number of pathologic, genetic and molecular phenomena that have
led to discovery of many potential tumour markers related to liver tumours. In present the importance of tumour markers
is in early diagnostics, therapy optimizing and early detection of recurrence after surgical resection or transplantation.
Authors report a review of up to date data of this rapidly developing research branch as well as spectrum of most
common currently used tumour markers.