Anton Vavrečka, Michelle Swekla
The functional disorders of the biliary tract (or biliary tract dysfunctions) are considered to be motility disorders. They
are divided into two categories- the gallbladder dysfunctions and/or the sphincter of Oddi dysfunctions. Clinically, a biliary
dysfunction is manifested as pain in the right upper quadrant, sometimes radiating to the right shoulder blade.
Rome III classification specifies the criteria that must be met in order to identify the symptoms as a dysfunction of the
biliary system. Aetiopathogenic factors are insufficiently clarified. Diagnosis involves the exclusion of the organic diseases
of the biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Special diagnostic methods are dynamic ultrasound,
hepatobiliary scintigraphy, ERCP, manometry of the sphincter of Oddi and other investigations. Prokinetic agents, calcium
channel blockers, nitrates, spasmolytics and analgesics have been tried as a treatment but usually without great
success. Cholecystectomy may help in the cases of gallbladder dysfunction, in the sphincter of Oddi dysfunction endoscopic
papilosphincterotomy can be helpful. The surgical treatment is used only exceptionally.