Igor Šturdík, Anna Krajčovičová, Zuzana Lešková, Vladimír Klinovský, Eva Akubžanová, Ján Števlík, Tibor Hlavatý
5-Aminosalicilates belong to the first-line treatment of light up to mild ulcerative colitis. Despite this advantage these
medicaments are related to rare side effects as pericarditis, myocardiatis and pneumonitis. It is assumed that these adverse
effects originate due to the hypertensive reaction. This case study is a case of a 19-year old patient with newly diagnosed
ulcerative colitis, who took a month mesalazine and subsequently was hospitalised due to the relapse of the disease
and pain in the chest related with breathlessness. Based on the clinical picture and echocardiography the cardiac
finding was evaluated as perimyocarditis induced with mesalazine. The administration of the medicament was discontinued
and his clinical conditon improved and after a month also echocardigraphic finding was normal ad integrum.