Radoslav Krajničák, Martina Zavacká, Mária Zakuciová, Laura Gombošová, Vít Pribula, Andrej Vrzgula
The authors present a case report of an 18-year-old patient newly diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. The operation was
indicated after a half-year tour of specialized clinics and two hospitalisations. Stenosis of the terminal ileum, entero-enteral
fistulas and absces musculus iliopsoas on the right were described at MRI enteroclysis. Laparoscopic-assisted resection
of stenotic part of the terminal ileum and cecum with side-to-side ileo ascending colon anamostosis were carried
out. In the final stage of the operation, the absces revision was performed accompanied with massive bleeding of
iliac artery changed by inflammation which was a part of abscess. In an inflamed area, a vascular surgeon performed
ilico-femoral bypass by saphenous vein taken from the other limb. Postoperative process remained without any major
complications. At present, the patient takes biological treatment.
The authors point to the occurrence of the major perioperative complication that may have fatal consequences. Fortunately,
this case report has „happy end” and a good functional result. The authors highlight the need for multidisciplinary
collaboration which is an inseparable part of the treatment especially in patients with Crohn’s disease.