Martin Ďuriček, Peter Bánovčin, Lenka Nosáková, Zuzana Trabalková, Adam Krkoška, Rudolf Hyrdel
Disorders of oesophageal motility belong to less frequent causes of oesophageal symptoms. High resolution manometry
- HRM became a gold standard in their diagnosis, while present valid classification of motility disorders –
so-called Chicago classification v3.0 unwinds from a manometric image. However, imaging examinations, especially
X-ray passage through the oesophagus with barium-based contrast substance, did not lose their diagnostic importance,
as they might provide crucial information for the choice of the most suitable treatment. The authors of the article
discuss the indications of imaging examinations and their typical findings at particular disorders of oesophageal motility
classified according to HR manometry. They point out to correct interpretation of non-specific subtypes of achalasia
and severe other motility disorders, which they also document in the pictorial supplement. They pay a particular
attention to issues of epiphrenic diverticula and X-ray follow-up of patients after achalasia treatment. They state the
combination of motility examination and imaging examination to be crucial for a patient to receive a tailored treatment.