Silvia Timková, Eugen Ďurovič, Jozef Minčík
The authors describe the occurrence and etiopathogenesis of lingua villosa nigra. They describe the pathological physiology of the filliform papilla regeneration process on the surface of the tongue. They report that spongy and leaf papillae are involved in the formation of lingua villosa nigra, with the participation of chromogenic microorganisms and other bacteria from the microbiome of the oral cavity.
The authors of ethiopathogenesis add that broad-spectrum antibiotics and some dosage forms such as Olanzapine, ranitidine and linezolid induce lingua villosa nigra. Local factors include new cosmetics, chewing gums, mouthwashes and dental materials (amalgams). Some systemic diseases and neoplasms should also be considered as supportive agents. So far, the known factors such as strong smoking, reduced oral hygiene, alcohol consumption, black coffee and tea remain in force. The authors also point to the need for differential diagnosis. They follow the proposal to use the term lingua villosa syndrome.