i. švecová, k. biskupská-boďová, p. kasajová, k. dókuš, p. žúbor, j. danko
Multiple gestation occurs approximately in 3 % of all deliveries, while the number
of multiple pregnancies is increasing yearly according to more frequent usage of assisted
reproductive technologies. However, in USA from 1990 – 2003 a decrease of
triple and quadruple pregnancies was observed and the incidence of twin pregnancy
is still increasing, the year to year pace of increase is slowing down. The incidence
of monozygotic pregnancies is relatively constant and it is cca 4 in 1000 pregnancies.
The incidence of dizygotic pregnancies is much more variable and higher in
some families, in individuals of African descent, in women after the ovulation induction
and assisted technologies. In natural (not artificially stimulated) pregnancies
the incidence of triplets is 1:8000 gestations. Multiple pregnancy significantly increases
the maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality and it is therefore essential to
improve the ultrasound diagnostics.